Friday, June 1, 2012

"Moussaka" - or something similar

The What: 
(4 people)

1 shallot onion, finely chopped
2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
600 g of minced meat
1 can of diced tomatoes
8 small tomatoes
1 red pepper (paprika)
1 large aubergine
2 hands full of fresh baby spinach leaves
2 vegetable bouillon cubes
A few drops of soy sauce
Chili flakes
salt, pepper 
Cheese, for example feta cheese, pecorino, parmesan or gruyere

The How:
  1. Slice the aubergine in ca 1 cm thick slices, put them on a cutting board and put salt over them. Leave for about 30 minutes. 
  2. Finely chop the shallot and the garlic, gently fry in a frying pan until soft. Add the minced meat, salt and pepper. 
  3. Cut the tomatoes into quarters, cut the pepper (paprika) into smaller pieces. Wash the baby spinach. Add to the minced meat in the frying pan.
  4. Add the can of diced tomatoes, the 2 bouillon cubes, the drops of soy sauce as well as the chili flakes. Let simmer while you prepare the aubergine.
  5. Wash the salt off the aubergine thoroughly and fry them until soft in plenty of olive oil in another frying pan. 
  6. Put one slice of the aubergine on a plate, top with the meat sauce and then a slice of cheese. Repeat until you're satisfied with the height (I usually do three aubergine slices so it doesn't tip over). Top the pile with another slice of cheese, a spinach leaf and some chili flakes. 
"Moussaka" or something like it

ENJOY! It tastes even better the next day so make a lot and throw the left overs in a lunch box!

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