Sunday, March 9, 2014

Overnight Oats

Overnight Oats with frozen raspberries, mango and organic Coconut flakes. Talk about breakfast for champions!!

So I finally tried the trendy "new" breakfast, Overnight Oats, hitting the kitchens and blogs of foodies and healthy people everywhere. And.. it really was great. I've never really been a breakfast person, always being way too tired to chew before my frst cup of coffee. When I lived at home, my mum made sure I ate something, then there was a whole long period of time when all I had for breakfast was a coffee and a cigarette (sorry Mum and dad) after which I ditched the cigarettes (yay, thank you Allen Carr!!) and just lived on coffee. After I got myself an outstanding man, he actually gets up every morning and makes me a sandwich to go. I know, I'm just bragging now. With Overnight Oats, though, I really think that I can let my guy sleep in once in a while, it's so easy to prepare, way tastier than a sandwich, not to mention much healthier. And for someone who really doesn't like the time between 12 am and 9 am, it's SO good that I can prepare pretty much everything the night before!! 

See How below!!

The What
1 dl almond milk (or regular if you prefer)
1.5 dl vanilla yogurt (or regular, greek or turkish is also good)
0.5 dl fiber oats
1 tbsp flaxseeds (linfrö)
1 tbsp psyllium seeds
frozen raspberries
frozen mango
(or other fresh fruit if you have access to it)
Organic coconut flakes (preferrably from Biofood, they have some great stuff!)
The How
Mix the milk, yogurt, fiber oats and seeds together in a jar or box with a lid. Put in the fridge over night.
In the morning, take out of the fridge, add desired amount of fruit and cocnut flakes.

Go to work. Drink coffee. EAT. 

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