Friday, March 7, 2014

Who in the world decides what BREAKFAST is??

Swedes eat a lot of bread. A breakfast consists of a hard cheese, some kind of ham or salami, some kind of veggie like a cucumber or pepper, maybe some jam and always, no fail, COFFEE. 

In China, breakfast is just another meal that can be a noodle or rice soup with meat and veggies and green tea or hot water to swallow it all down. 

We all know the Brits and the Americans love a proper fry up, bacon and eggs, toast with or without baked beans.

The healthy ones, regardless of country, may have a smoothie or a fresh fruit plate, perhaps some serial or a non fat no sugar yogurt and at the moment, most likely "Overnight Oats", post coming up about this later!

You think I'm generalizing? What do you guys eat for breakfast? Do you even eat breakfast? And what is it that dictates what you eat for breakfast?

My breakfast varies, depending on a lot of factors. How much time I have in the morning, how cold or warm it is outside at the moment, if it's a weekend or a weekday and how healthy I have decided to be that day or week. 

When I'm hungover, whatever healthy streak I'm on at the moment goes straight in the bin and there is only one thing on my mind: greasy, unhealthy, fatty food, made by someone else. 


 And no matter what day of the week, no matter how I feel, Coffee is always a must. Mostly just straight up black, but sometimes I mix it up a bit. 

A post about the wonders of coffee, soon to come here on Declarations of a Foodie. 


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