Saturday, May 31, 2014

A Strawberry salad to go with this summers BBQs!

Anyone else longing for hot summer nights and the smell of the BBQ? Yes, I know it's almost June but I do live in Sweden where the summer weather is about as predictable as bull on speed, so I haven't had much of a chance to use my tiny little bucket BBQ yet. Once has the weather given me the opportunity and even then it rained after a while. This strawberry salad is a good reminder that despite the weather, it is summer and the nights are a little bit lighter and people are a little bit happier. It's so simple, whip it up in about 1 minute flat, needs no preparation, just serve with a nice piece of meat or add more to it, like grilled asparagus and spring onions. 

The What
(Organic) baby spinach
(Organic) arugula
Romaine salad
Purple basil leaves
balsamic vinegar
olive oil
Salt and pepper

The How
Wash the salad and rinse the strawberries.
Cut the strawberries in half. 
Mix the salad and the strawberries in a large bowl, top with basil leaves, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, salt and fresh ground pepper. 

Serve with freshly BBQ d meat, chicken or veggies. 

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